Informations générales
Entité de rattachement
L'Autorité de sûreté nucléaire et de radioprotection est une autorité administrative indépendante créée par la loi du 21 mai 2024 relative à l'organisation de la gouvernance de la sûreté nucléaire et de la radioprotection pour répondre au défi de la relance de la filière nucléaire.
Elle assure, au nom de l'État, le contrôle des activités nucléaires civiles en France et remplit des missions d'expertise, de recherche, de formation et d'information des publics. L'ASNR est composée de fonctionnaires, d'agents de droit public et de salariés de droit privé.
Description du poste
Intitulé du poste
Sand-bentonite mixtures behavior under chemical, hydraulic and gas loadings (PsDENV25-1) H/F
Type de contrat
Disponibilité du poste
Localisation du poste
Environnement / Organisation / Contexte
This project is conducted by IRSN in the frame of research in connection with the Cigéo (project for a deep geological disposal facility for HA/MAVL radioactive waste). It is particularly aimed at understanding and modelling of physico-chemical phenomena that are important for the safety of the future facility. As a significant production of hydrogen is expected inside the geological repository, this gaseous phase could modify the flows and mechanical conditions of the rock and of the engineered materials such as bentonite barriers and sealings and therefore potentially impact the transport of radionuclides.
Bentonite-sand mixtures are considered potential sealing materials. The performance of these mixtures depends strongly on the sand-to-bentonite ratio: increasing the sand content can reduce swelling capacity and have an impact on water and gas permeabilities, particularly at lower bentonite content or dry density.
The use of mixtures with high sand content has recently been considered, but this introduces significant challenges. While sand improves structural strength, reducing the bentonite content can compromise sealing effectiveness. This issue becomes more critical in the presence of alkaline plumes from concrete degradation, which can lead to smectite alteration and sand dissolution. These processes modify the microstructure, increase hydraulic conductivity, and further reduce the mixture’s sealing capacity.
The work proposed in this post-doctoral fellowship as part of EURAD 2 (a european partnership) consists mainly in working on the characterization of the microstructure of Bentonite sand mixture under hydraulic, gas and chemical loadings using X-ray microtomography (X-ray micro-CT).
This work involves the use of PMMA cell prototypes to analyze the behavior of compacted mixtures. Gas injection tests will be conducted at constant volume conditions, with the mixture hydrated using a hyperalkaline solution. Microstructural analysis will be performed at the initial state, during hydration, and throughout gas injection. Regular X-ray micro-CT scanning will track the evolution of macropores, heterogeneous distribution zones, and pathways that may form due to the partial void filling by bentonite between sand particles. To optimize experimental conditions, the existing PMMA cell prototype may be upgraded, for instance, by integrating additional sensors.
Finally, an important part of the work will be related to the image analysis tools to improve the segmentation of low contrast grey level areas (extraction of saturated and desaturated pores). It will be possible to use the 2D tools developed at LETIS (texture analysis, random walkers and 3D active contour methods) or to start a new approach based on neural networks (CNN/DL). The methods set up should eventually become available to the scientific community in the form of Fiji software plug-ins.
Profil recherché
PhD in Civil, geotechnical or geological engineering,
Proficiency in X-ray microtomography and Digital Image Correlation is required.
Informations complémentaires / avantages
You integrate the LETIS lab (Research laboratory on transfers and interactions in underground environment) in ASNR, the French regulator authority in charge to developp research to support the expertise of the Cigeo project (project for a deep geological disposal facility of radioactive waste).
La diversité est une des composantes de la politique RSE, RH et Qualité de Vie au Travail à l’ASNR. Nous accordons la même considération à toutes les candidatures, sans discrimination, pour inclure tous les talents.
Quelles que soient les différences, nous souhaitons attirer, intégrer et fidéliser nos candidats et nos collaborateurs au sein d’un environnement de travail inclusif.
L’ASNR conduit une politique active depuis de nombreuses années en faveur de l'égalité des chances au travail et l'emploi des personnes handicapées. Si vous êtes en situation de handicap, n'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos éventuels besoins spécifiques afin que nous puissions les prendre en compte.
Localisation du poste
Localisation du poste
Europe, France, Ile-de-France, Hauts-de-Seine (92)
Critères candidat
Anglais (2- Niveau professionnel)